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Concierge Services

October 5, 2022
Whether the reason for your pet’s visit is a wellness exam, a sick visit, or an emergency, we know you have a lot on your mind. That is why we have a General Practice Concierge and a Client Care Coordinator on our team – to help get you settled in for your visit and on […]
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Urgent Care

October 5, 2017
(609) 926–5300 When your pet has a non-life-threatening, but painful or pressing condition that can’t wait for a regular veterinary appointment, Linwood Pet Hospital is here for you. You can make a same-day appointment for your pet instead of having to wait in a busy emergency room. Should your pet ever experience a true emergency, […]
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End-of-Life Care

October 5, 2017
In a perfect world, our pets could stay with us forever. But sometimes we have to say goodbye. If your pet has been diagnosed with a chronic illness, terminal disease or if symptoms of age have begun impacting his or her quality of life, we’ll be here to guide you through your choices. Our veterinarian […]
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